The Treaty of Versailles was unfair to the Germans, even if they did damage and harm things during the war. The Treaty was presented in 1918, but Germany was forced upon agreeing to it by 1919. Forcing this on the Germans did not help the situation, where Germany was already ganged up on, defeated and vulnerable to the allies. Already being in poor condition, the country was expected to reduce it's defense operations, making it in an unhealthy state. Looking back at this, now, Wilson's vow to bring peace and bringing independence to countries seems the base plan of the Allies to bring Germany down for going against the Allies. Using Wilson's fourteen points, the Allies, especially Britain and France, established the harsh Treaty. The bill that Germans had to pay was exceeding, and not helping Germany's economy at that time. All of this, the loss of their pride, fueled to Germany's anger, probably leading to the extermination of Jews. If, this hadn't happened, if they had done that, if, if, if only; these are the things we think of now, things could have been different then. But is done, is done, Germany's desire to eliminate the Jews was most probably formed when Germans were shamed and unhappy about the loses. They had lost all the lands conquered before, just because they lost one war, all the land overpowered from previous victories, from previous times of hard determination was lost. People in German became resentful and hoped for victory, this also happened to be when Hitler was raising. From the shame of the loss, Germans searched for a someone or something to blame on, with Hitlers lead, the blame was pointed to the Jews. But that was only the beginning of new, but horrid, revolution.
Although Wilson's treaty was of good intention, he was blinded by it's light to see the other misfortunes around the world. For Example, Japan's request for a treaty opposing racial discrimination was rejected even when the vow was to bring peace to the world. Racism was actually an major factor during those times, especially with African slave trading happening in the western world. Things that seemed small as such, could have effected the world today in a good way, by helping unite even more nations together. Even though that stage today is almost complete. Also, when Ho Chi Minh a Vietnamese patriotic asked to speak to the Allies, they refused. This put the impression that the Allies might have been saying to help bring peace, but not letting someone address them in a civilized way instead of force might have lead people to think otherwise. Wilson only let Europe overcome the rule of the large empires, but Africa and Asia was still under the dominance of European nations. But today things are different, most of the countries in the world are independent and most don't fight for their own nation, not including Israel, Korea and other countries with the similar problems as them.

By Zarafsha :)