Just like last year, in Humanities we a serious of tests to identify what our learning profile is. This done to help our teachers and ourselves understand what, where and how we learn best. My profile was, Profile EE (aka the Excellently Excellent).
From looking at my Profile and relating it to me ways of learnings, I learn best when I've written or verbally communicated and analyzed information. Whether me detailed or just the bid picture. Although, the profile states that when I can structure information in an orderly fashion as I take in the "big picture" with I ears and eyes. Even though, my in my profile it's been said that as a verbal learner I tend to talk about my learnings in order to understand it fully. I disagree with that mainly because I do not think that I'm a verbal leaner. As with the statement that I have the need to talk about what I've learned I'm not exactly sure. I don't usually ask question to instructions but like to make sure what I've
learned is correct. In some ways it could be true. I, like most other students, learn best when I'm NOT under any stress. For if I'm under stress or preoccupied, I'm been prone to forget things. And the profile also states that I may have trouble hearing or seeing things when under stress, which not entirely true. Sure when anxious I may miss details and have difficulty paying attention. But I know one thing from the paper is absolutely true, I need to talk things through when I have a hard time comprehending what I learned.
During class and while learning, I need to either write or talk about the what is being learnt. It's easy for me take it in visually because there is a slight possibility I could forget it. Also, what I've learnt can be forgotten if don't go over it frequently. While learning, I in an
environment where I'm calm and relaxed, because under stress I get edgy and began to forget things. As you can see, my memorizing skills are not all that good. Also, if there's a lot pressure on me, I get clumsy and lost.
Being a Logic Dominant Learner, I have different strategies that help me learn or that I use. These include brainstorming ideas, visualizing unusual images in my mind, I rely on my instincts, I prefer to use different ways of writing/saying things all the time, expressing my emotions, especially spontaneous joy is something I would o, I enjoy being physical and active doing activities much like hiking and swimming and so forth, and to understand some concepts I role-play the situation. These aren't all the strategies and habits that I use/work well with listed in the book. The rest of the bullet-points don't apply to me, or I disagree with. For example, I don't exactly like using mind maps to generate ideas, writing is one of my strongest subject yet it one of my least favorite work, so naturally when I saw that the booklet said I write poems and songs I disagreed with it. Although when I'm emotional I do
sing songs that I make up on the spot. I do not use metaphors and emotional stories as much as possible because I barely talk most of the time let alone tell stories.
I would like all my teachers to know that, I'm a quiet girl. Although I can achieve many things, I do it in my own quiet, shy way. I absolutely, totally, incredibly, LOVE reading. I read wherever, whenever I can. At dinner, at a party, sometimes if I have a good enough book during class. It's sometimes one of my flaws because I can get very distracted by a book, yet it enhances my writing and reading skills. I do tend to get distracted and doodle occasionally. It's just a habit that a lot of students do when teacher keep droning on and on. I have to have everything around me neat and organized. Whether it be the basket of markers in front of
me, or pencil case. I work better with a group who can be productive, but if I'm among those who talk, I join in and lose my focus. Even if I can get a teacher or someone to help me out, I prefer to solve my own problems. It may seem I'm too shy to come up to a teacher to ask, which sometimes may be the case, but I don't ever feel like asking for. I WANT to do it myself. At the moment this is all I can think of. These probably are the most important things I'd like my teachers to know.
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